Scott Parker's Tinkerpad

Two major challenges surrounding DNS configuration for less-techy folk

Updating Nameservers #

When you're working with technologies, let alone a stack, that you have very little familiarisation with, you may not recognise that you need to update your nameservers and records. For example, if you purchase a custom domain from Dynadot, host your site on GitHub pages and make use of Cloudflare, most people will stumble before realising that they need to update Cloudflare with GitHub's A records and Dynadot with Cloudflare's nameservers.

DNS Propagation #

In this day and age, people expect things yesterday. This is completely understandable, especially on the web, where content is typically instantaneous. However, when updating DNS records, it can take a significant amount of time for these changes to be reflected. It's not something that's regularly communicated with consumers. Therefore, all too often, you'll find issues and tickets raised because a "website isn't loading".

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